Davis Catalyst Center Fall Open House August 13 & 14. On Tuesday we'll meet from 5:30-7:30 PM, and Wednesday from 10 AM - Noon. Pharmacy Tech and Medical Assisting student will be required to attend a mandatory parent meeting. Catalyst instructors will be sending out more information soon. At the open house parents will have the opportunity to meet instructors, ask questions, learn more about the Catalyst Core values, p olicies, and expectations, and also explore the building.

The Davis Catalyst Center will host their Fall 2024 OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday, August 13th, 5:30-7:30 PM, and also on Wednesday, August 14th, 10 AM - 12 PM.

All parents, future/potential students, their families, and potential business partners are invited to attend. Come and join us at 1265 Sportsplex Drive in Kaysville, to meet instructors, ask questions, learn more about our courses, explore the building, see the professional spaces, learn about the Catalyst core values, and more!

Please note that Medical Assisting and Pharmacy Tech students will have a mandatory parent meeting. Look for that information to be sent to you soon!

Our new web pages are in the final stages! You can view them here to learn more about our courses, pathways, the application process (we still have a few openings), and instructors here: https://catalyst.davis.k12.ut.us/

Davis School District
Utah CTE - Career and Technical Education
CAPS Network






