Southern Utah University (SUU) helicopter, pilots, and Davis Catalyst students

Over the past 3 years Davis School District students have been fortunate enough to have helicopter pilots fly in from many universities, companies, and public organizations in order to teach students about the helicopter pilot and mechanic career pathway available to them.
On Tuesday, February 18, the students at the Davis Catalyst Center were able to witness a third fly-in from helicopter instructors from Southern Utah University. SUU also visited other area high schools in DSD that day.

Did you know that 14% of all helicopter pilots flying in the United States were trained at Southern Utah University? If you are interested in learning more about the SUU helicopter pilot and mechanic program, visit

SUU helicopter landingSUU helicopter pilot teaching Davis Catalyst students

Additional photos and article from the Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from October 5, 2023:

The Utah Rotor Pathways held their 2nd Annual Fly-In here at the Davis Catalyst Center in Kaysville, Utah. Eight helicopters and pilots from Mountain West Helicopters, Utah Helicopters, AirMed, LifeFlight, PHi from the Gulf of Mexico (Petroleum Helicopters International), Utah Department of Public Safety, and three choppers from the flight programs at both Utah State University and Southern Utah University.

Drone companies like Zipline @zipline and Robotic Skies @robotic_skies also came to teach students about their pioneering efforts in drone repair and drone delivery systems.

High school students from the northern Utah area had the opportunity to learn directly from piloting helicopters, helicopter school, helicopter/plane maintenance, drone delivery, drone repair, and more. Zipline has years of experience with delivering critical medications in remote areas of Africa by parachute.

@flyutahhelicopterr @mountainwesthelicopters @utahstatehelicopters @suuaviation @utahdps @intermountainlifeflight @uofuairmed @petroleumhelicoptersinc @utahcte

#wherestudentslead CAPS Network #teachindavis Davis School District

Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023Utah Rotor Pathways Fly-In from 2023